Japanese Medical Signs 4 眼科


reading; がん・か
meaning; opthalmology (ganka)

(Quick note; a ophthalmologist (person) is a 眼科医  がん・か・い (Gankai).

眼 eyeball ガン、ゲン、まなこ、め(gan, gen, manako, me)
grade: 5
JLPT level: 1

眼鏡 glasses, spectacles め・がね (megane)
双眼鏡 binoculars そう・がん・きょう (sougankyou)

科 department, section ヵ (ka)
grade: 2
frequency: 531
JLPT level: 3

科学 science か・がく (kagaku)
教科 subject, curriculum きょう・か (kyouka)

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